Here is a br ief list of who uses financial statements and why. This list gives only a few examples and is by no means complete.
- Ex isting equity investors and lenders, to monitor their investments and to evaluate the performance of management
- Prospective equity investors and lenders, to decide whether or not to invest.
- Investment analysts,money managers, and stockbrokers, to make buy/sell / hold recommendations to their clients
- Rating agencies (such as Moody’s, Standard & Poor ’s, and Dun & Brad- street), to assign credit rating.
- Major customers and suppliers, to evaluate the financial strength and staying power of the company as a dependable resource for their business.
- Labor unions, to gauge how much of a pay increase a company is able to af ford in upcoming labor negotiations.
- Boards of directors, to rev iew the performance of management
- Management, to assess its own performance.
- Corporate raiders, to seek hidden value in companies with underpr iced stock.
- Competitors, to benchmark their own financial results.
- Potential competitors, to assess how profitable it may be to enter an industr y.
- Government agencies responsible for tax ing, regulating, or investigating the company.
- Politicians, lobbyists, issue groups, consumer advocates, env ironmental- ists, think tanks, foundations, media reporters, and others who are sup- porting or opposing any particular public issue the company’s actions af fect.
- Actual or potential joint venture partners, franchisors or franchisees, and other business interests who need to know about the company and its fi- nancial situation.
This brief list shows how many people and institutions use financial statements for a large var iety of business purposes and suggests how essential the ability to understand and analyze financial statements is to success in the business world.
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