Mar 11, 2012

How to Avoid Work-at-Home Scams

There are genuine work-at-home business ventures and, unfortunately, there are work-at-home scams. It’s vital to be able to tell the difference between the two. Although it's difficult to tell with absolute certainty which opportunities are fraudulent and which are authentic, there are warning signs that scream “SCAM.” Here's how to spot the scams while finding legitimate opportunities.

Do your research

Before embarking on any business enterprise, do the necessary background research. It’s time consuming, but crucial to avoiding a costly mistake.

  • Verify that the company truly exists.
  • Is there readily available contact information including a physical location, email address, and phone number?
  • Is the company legally registered as a corporation, LLC, or other type of business entity?

Assess the company’s stability. A firm that has been in operation for two years or more is more likely to be stable than a fresh startup. Explore their reputation; check with the local Better Business Bureau or the National Fraud Information Center. If the company has a lot of negative publicity, there’s likely a reason. A few complaints are expected; a pattern of unresolved complaints is not.

Be cautious about investing money

An up-front fee required just to discover details about a business venture is highly suspect. Information should be provided free of charge so an informed decision about whether or not to pursue the prospect can be made. Legitimate companies are interested in partnering with people who can be successful; scammers, on the other hand, are only interested in money.

Be wary of unbelievable claims

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Be wary of claims of easy money with little or no effort. Starting a home-based business is just like starting any other kind of business. It requires time and effort. Claims of “guaranteed money” are also an indication of a scam. No company can guarantee profitability.

Understand the nature of the business

A legitimate work-at-home business, whether it’s selling a product or service, or freelance work, should be able to explain clearly what they do and how they do it. Also, make sure there is an actual product, service, or task involved. If the only way to make money is by recruiting other people, it’s most likely a pyramid scheme.

The ability to work from home should be secondary to the actual business. If the headline screams "WORK AT HOME," it’s most likely a scam. Legitimate opportunities tend to list the nature of the job or business first. They disclose specifics, not just the promise of working in your pajamas.

Some legitimate options

Whether you choose to be an entrepreneurial business owner, or do contract work for another company, certain types of businesses are more easily conducted at home.

Sales, whether creating or re-selling your own products or selling another company’s products or services, is a good option. Customer service, inbound sales, and telemarketing are also viable alternatives.

Virtual assistance, data processing, and transcription are popular options. Bookkeeping, tax preparation, and other financial services, as well as insurance claim processing and medical billing, are also good candidates.

Freelance writing, content creation and blog posting can be done on a contractual basis and are excellent possibilities for a self-employed writer. Some lesser-known opportunities, such as writing for greeting card companies or creating grant proposals, are often overlooked. For those with a background in a design field, opportunities exist in graphic design, website creation and illustration.

Finding work-at-home jobs

Job search engines such as LinkUp and Simply Hired search for jobs on company web sites, while MonsterCareerBuilder, and Yahoo! Careers compile vast job databases. Sifting through the massive numbers of job postings can be time-consuming, use keyword such as "telecommute" “freelance,” or “work from home” to narrow your search.

A successful home-based business is certainly possible. Make sure you research each opportunity thoroughly, screen carefully and consider which opportunities are a good fit. You’re less likely to be successful if you lack the necessary skills or dislike the work involved.


Mar 4, 2012

Sekilas Tentang Penurunan Angsuran PPh Pasal 25

Dasar Hukum

  1. Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor KEP-537/PJ./2000 Tanggal 29 Desember 2000 Tentang Penghitungan Besarnya Angsuran Pajak Dalam Tahun Berjalan Dalam Hal-Hal Tertentu.
  2. Bersifat tentatif (Hanya beberapa masa di tahun 2009) yaitu Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Pajak Nomor PER-10/PJ./2009 tanggal 11 Februari 2009 tentang Pengurangan Besarnya Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 25 Dalam Tahun 2009 Bagi Wajib Pajak Yang Mengalami Perubahan Keadaan Usaha Atau Kegiatan Usaha.

Sampai saat ini belum ada perubahan ketentuan, jadi tetap mengacu pada KEP-537/PJ/2000 Tanggal 29 Desember 2000 Tentang Penghitungan Besarnya Angsuran Pajak Dalam Tahun Berjalan Dalam Hal-Hal Tertentu.

Pengurangan Angsuran

PPh pasal 25 merupakan angsuran PPh tahun berjalan. Besarnya angsuran PPh Pasal 25 dihitung berdasarkan PPh tahun lalu dibagi 12 kecuali untuk WP tertentu. WP tertentu ini seperti mempunyai kompensasi rugi, penghasilan tidak teratur, adanya perubahan keadaan usaha. Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat di KEP-537/PJ/2000 , yang coba saya ringkas sebagai berikut :

  1. Hal-hal tertentu yang meliputi ; Wajib Pajak berhak atas kompensasi kerugian; Wajib Pajak memperoleh penghasilan tidak teratur; Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan tahun pajak yang lalu disampaikan setelah lewat batas waktu yang ditentukan; Wajib Pajak diberikan perpanjangan jangka waktu penyampaian Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan; Wajib Pajak membetulkan sendiri Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan Pajak Penghasilan yang mengakibatkan angsuran bulanan lebih besar dari angsuran bulanan sebelum pembetulan; Terjadi perubahan keadaan usaha atau kegiatan Wajib Pajak.
  2. Apabila sesudah 3 (tiga) bulan atau lebih berjalannya suatu tahun pajak, Wajib Pajak dapat menunjukkan bahwa Pajak Penghasilan yang akan terutang untuk tahun pajak tersebut kurang dari 75% (tujuh puluh lima persen) dari Pajak Penghasilan yang terutang yang menjadi dasar penghitungan besarnya Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 25, Wajib Pajak dapat mengajukan permohonan pengurangan besarnya Pajak Penghasilan Pasal 25 secara tertulis kepada Kepala Kantor Pelayanan Pajak tempat Wajib Pajak terdaftar.

Wajib Pajak (WP)

Apabila berdasarkan perhitungan realisasi dan proyeksi memenuhi ketentuan pada  Poin (2) di atas, maka WP dapat mengajukan permohonan pengurangan angsuran PPh Pasal 25 ke KPP terdaftar, yaitu dengan mengajukan permohonan penurunan angsuran surat tertulis diajukan ke kepala KPP; dalam surat disebutkan alasan-alasan kenapa terjadi penurunan omset yg menyebabkan angsuran pph 25 menjadi menurun ; lampirkan dalam surat tsb. laporan keuangan (lap laba rugi) sampai bulan terakhir yang diproyeksikan sampai akhir tahun yang akan menyebabkan posisi PPh  akan menjadi lebih bayar. Untuk mempermudah dan mempercepat proses penyelesaian, maka coba saya simpulkan lampiran yang disampaikan  sebagai berikut :

  1. Foto Kopi SPT Tahunan 3 Tahun terakhir beserta Laporan Keuangannya (Sertakan juga dalam bentuk softcopy untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat analisis AR saudara).
  2. Proyeksi Laporan Laba Rugi ke depan beserta softcopynya
  3. Analisis naik turunnya omset, HPP, dan biaya. Beserta alasan dan dokumen-dokumen pendukungnya (Beserta softcopynya)
  4. Tanda lunas pembayaran Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan 3 Tahun terakhir

Account Representative (AR)

Idealnya jumlah PPh pasal 25 dalam satu tahun pajak mendekati jumlah PPh terutang pada tahun yang bersangkutan. Beberapa AR di KPP akan menghimbau kepada WP untuk menaikan pembayaran PPh pasal 25 jika omset WP naik secara signifikan. WP juga berhak mengajukan permohonan pengurangan PPh pasal 25 jika WP merasa bahwa pada tahun tersebut jumlah PPh terutang lebih kecil dari jumlah PPh pasal 25. Namun besarnya jumlah PPh pasal 25 yang dapat dikurangkan tergantung dari perhitungan fiskus. Sebagai seorang AR yang bertugas melakukan analisis akan menerima/menolak permohonan penurunan angsuran 25 yang diajukan oleh wajib pajak dalam hal :

  • AR mengusulkan menerima apabila didukung secara makro ekonomi menunjukan fenomena yang ada menunjukan bahwa usaha tertentu  (termasuk kriteria didalam usaha pemohon) memang sedang goncang atau bersifat luar biasa. Serta didukung dengan Laporan realisasi penurunan omset atau peningkatan biaya serta proyeksi yang sangat mungkin terjadi.
  • AR mengusulkan menerima jika terjadi peristiwa penting semisal sebagian atau seluruh  dari lokasi perusahaan terbakar; peristiwa pencurian atau demo karyawan yang berkepanjangan tentu didukung dengan bukti dan dokumen terkait serta realisasi dan proyeksi yang signifikan.
  • AR mengusulkan menolak jika pemeriksaan tahun-tahun sebelumnya wajib pajak menunjukan kurang bayar (SKPKB) terhadap kewajiban PPh pasal 25 nya.
  • AR mengusulkan menolak apabila alasan yang diajukan wajib pajak dalam rangka ekspansi usaha atau akan lebih bayar akibat perluasan usaha.
  • dll


AR menyadari bahwa wajib pajak  dalam hal ini saudara (pemohon) sebagai karyawan di bidang perpajakan tentu  akan tetap mencoba memberikan kontribusi kepada perusahaan yah salah satunya melakukan permohonan penurunan angsuran tersebut tentu dengan alasan yang dapat diterima dari sudut akuntansi dan perpajakan. Bagi fiskus dalam hal ini AR  tentu akan merespon permohonan saudara dengan baik (sebelum satu bulan sejak permohonan diterima lengkap pasti sudah ada keputusan). Namun perlu saudara ketahui dalam keputusan ini murni sepenuhnya adalah kebijakan dari Kepala Kantor ditempat perusahaan saudara terdaftar dan jangan pernah merasa bahwa hal ini adalah hak mutlak sehingga permohonan penurunan angsuran PPh pasal 25 saudara harus diterima. Beberapa wajib pajak yang permohonannya ditolak maka SPT Tahunannya biasanya akan lebih bayar dan ada sebagian yang memang hasilnya adalah SKPLB namun tidak sedikit yang SKPKB. Reformasi perpajakan sudah menyentuh lini yang terdalam  maka lobby yang ingin saudara lakukan sebaiknya dijauhkan dari upaya yang dapat melanggar kode etik fiskus jika tidak ingin bermasalah.

Tambahan :

kriteria diterima atau ditolaknya pengurangan angsuran PPh 25

Disamping poin-poin yang dijelaskan pada KEP-537/PJ/2000, Saya (pendapat pribadi) cenderung melihat beberapa hal yaitu :
Diterima jika
- Wajib Pajak melakukan perubahan jenis usaha yang menyebabkan penurunan omset (Rugi)
- Wajib Pajak mengalami sesuatu yang luar biasa yang menyebabkan kerugian (Kebakaran/pencurian/banjir dll)
- Kenaikan harga barang (internasional/nasional) yang cukup signifikan yg berhubungan dengan jenis usaha wajib pajak yg menyebabkan nilai jual rendah
- Kepatuhan dan kewajaran Kewajiban perpajakan 3 tahun terakhir
- Melihat apakah wajib pajak pernah dilakukan pemeriksaan dalam 5 tahun terakhir dan hasilnya adalah Lebih bayar
- Melihat dokumen/bukti yg kuat yang menjadi alasan penurunan angsuran
- Wajib Pajak bukan merupakan pengguna Faktur Pajak Fiktif

Ditolak jika :
- Wajib Pajak belum pernah dilakukan pemeriksaan
- Wajib Pajak melakukan peningkatan pada biaya-biaya
- Penurunan omset tidak signifikan
- Dokumen dan bukti tidak cukup kuat
- Kerugian akibat pengembangan usaha

Kemampuan seorang AR dalam menjelaskan keadaan wajib pajak kepada pimpinannya juga merupakan
hal yang penting, untuk itu dalam mengajukan realisasi dan proyeksi sangat ditekankan untuk melengkapinya dengan
bukti-bukti yang kuat sehingga seorang AR tidak menggunakan asumsi yang salah.

artikel ini ditulis oleh Taripar Doly, SE, MM, lebih lengapnya silahkan kunjungi

Feb 26, 2012

Western Union Kejar Izin Pembentukan PT

Untuk semakin memperkuat bisnisnya di Tanah Air, yang harus sesuai dengan aturan yang sudah dan akan berlaku, Western Union sedang mengajukan permohonan pembentukan badan hukum perseroan terbatas, untuk memenuhi aturan transfer dana yang akan diberlakukan Bank Indonesia Desember ini. Paulus Yoga

Jakarta (–Western Union mengaku telah melaporkan keinginan untuk menjadi badan hukum Indonesia, untuk memenuhi aturan transfer dana oleh Bank Indonesia (BI) yang akan terbit pada Desember 2011. Dengan berbadan hukum maka setiap kegiatan perusahaan akan lebih terpercaya dan jauh dari praktik cuci uang.

“Kita sudah lapor ke Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BPKM) dan Kementerian Hukum dan HAM untuk memperoleh izin. Kita inginnya segera memperoleh izin, kalau perlu dalam waktu dekat ini, sebelum aturan transfer dana keluar pada Desember,” tutur Direktur Wilayah Jakarta Western Union (WU) Randy Pangalila, kepada wartawan di Jakarta, belum lama ini.

Ia menjelaskan, saat ini pihaknya tengah menunggu keputusan BPKM dan tidak ada kendala dalam proses perijinin meskipun Western Union merupakan perusahaan asing. Selain WU, lanjutnya, perusahaan jasa pengiriman uang lain seperti MoneyGram, PayPal juga mengajukan hal yang sama kepada BKPM.

Setelah memperoleh izin, proses selanjutnya yang harus dilakukan perusahaan jasa pengiriman uang tersebut adalah pengajuan permohonan lisensi ke bank sentral. Dalam proses pemberian lisensi tersebut, BI akan mengecek kesiapan perusahaan, antara lain sistem keamanan bertransaksi, upaya perlindungan nasabah hingga kecukupan sumber daya manusia (SDM).

Sebelumnya, BI meregulasi bisnis pengiriman uang nonbank untuk tiga tujuan. Pertama, meningkatkan perlindungan konsumen. Selama ini, ketika terjadi masalah, nasabah selalu berada dalam posisi dirugikan. Upaya pengajuan keberatan sulit, karena perusahaan tidak beroperasi di Tanah Air.

Kedua, memperbaiki pencatatan pengiriman uang agar lebih akurat. Selama ini, BI kesulitan mendapatkan data karena perusahaan asing tidak wajib melaporkan seluruh kegiatan mereka. Kalaupun harus mengumpulkan, pengawasan datang ke masing-masing bank yang bermitra dengan Western Union ataupun MoneyGram.

Ketiga, pemerintah mendapatkan tambahan setoran pajak. Estimasi BI, di Januari hingga Agustus 2011, pengiriman uang melalui Western Union mencapai Rp2 triliun, dari data remintansi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI). Saat ini kontribusi WU terhadap total pengiriamn uang lembaga non bank mencapai 60%. (*)

Boku Accounts: PayPal's New Rival Lets You Pay Via Cellphone Wherever Credit Cards Are Accepted

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - PayPal, the online payments company owned by eBay Inc, just got a new rival in the race to develop a mobile payment service that can be used in physical stores.

Boku Inc, a big online mobile payments company backed by venture capital firms including Andreessen Horowitz and Benchmark Capital, unveiled a new service on Thursday that lets people pay with any mobile phone anywhere credit cards are accepted.

Boku already provides carrier billing through about 230 wireless carriers, including AT&T Inc, Vodafone Group Plc and Verizon Communications Inc in more than 60 countries. This service lets people pay with their mobile number and get the transactions charged to their monthly phone bill.

Carrier billing is typically limited to smaller online purchases, either through personal computers or within mobile phone apps.

Boku's new platform, called Boku Accounts, allows purchases in physical stores, a much bigger market. The service will be branded and offered by wireless carriers to customers, with Boku running the system in the background.

The move puts Boku in closer competition with PayPal, which is pushing its popular online payments service into physical stores. Google Inc is also trying to get its Google Wallet service into stores through a partnership with giants such as MasterCard Inc and Citigroup Inc.

PayPal's in-store offering works with merchants' existing point-of-sale terminals, but usually requires a software upgrade. Google Wallet works with phones that have Near-Field Communication, or NFC, chips in them and merchants need a terminal that supports this technology.

Boku's service comes with a sticker that users can slap on the back of their mobile phones, turning any handset into an NFC-enabled device. It also comes with a payment card that can be swiped using existing retailer terminals, without a software upgrade, according to the company.

"We wanted this to be available in any store," Ron Hirson, co-founder of Boku, said. "You don't need a new phone or a new terminal."

(Reporting By Alistair Barr; editing by Andre Grenon) 


Jan 22, 2012

Content Marketing Trends for 2012: What's in and What's Out

No doubt about it: 2011 was a big year for content marketing. A recent survey conducted by my company, HiveFire, found that 82% of B2B marketers today use content marketing. And twice the number of marketers implement content marketing vs. the number of those who use print, television, and radio advertising.

Those numbers speak for themselves. Marketers have taken note, and are recognizing content marketing as a valuable component of their overall strategy.

With so much attention focused on the progress that content marketers have made over the past year, it's impossible not to ask what 2012 might bring. Because the content marketing space is moving so fast, here is a quick look at what's in and what's out in 2012. Messaging
What's Out: Passing Off Marketing Materials as Content 

Companies that were new to content marketing last year have learned that to attract customer interest, they have to be prepared to offer relevant and engaging content, not just marketing materials. Gone will be the days of marketers singularly promoting their brands without also keeping an eye on industry news and trends.
What's In: Incorporating Your Brand's Message Into a Larger Story
More and more, marketers will incorporate their brands' messages into a larger, overall story. Content produced by companies will begin to take on a more journalistic feel, and those marketers that are really getting it right won't shy away from curating content from their competitors as well.
What's Out: Traditional Content Channels
In 2011, we saw the decline of existing content channels (e.g., RSS feeds) and the shift to new content vehicles (e.g., Twitter). Increasingly, readers who seek content are moving away from sites, such as traditional news websites, in favor of more real-time social media channels.
What's In: The Next Big Thing
My prediction for 2012 is that we will continue to see emerging content channels steal the spotlight from more-established news media. A new online channel (think the Google+ of 2012), a new physical channel (2012's answer to the tablet), and a new medium for content (the next infographic) are all on the calendar for the next 12 months.
Curated Content
What's Out: Stealing Content From Other Sources Without Proper Attribution
Companies that repurpose third-party content as their own without properly citing the source aren't reaping the full benefits of content marketing. Linking to the original source may drive traffic away from you momentarily, but doing so makes you more credible for identifying relevant content in other well-known publications.
What's In: Curating Content From Multiple Sources, Including Your Competitors

If your company's goal is to establish thought leadership in your industry by providing your customers with the most compelling and relevant content available, it will be impossible to do so without occasionally curating your competitors' content.
Search Engine Optimization
What's Out: Driving SEO by Content Alone
If 2011 taught marketers anything, it is that SEO is not driven solely by including highly searched terms in the content that they create and curate. Marketers that try to optimize SEO by writing their content based on search queries alone will see a decline in viewership. Practices like that frequently police themselves, and customers will search elsewhere to find meaningful content that is not obviously marketing focused.
What's In: Viewing Your Social Media Presence as an Extension of Your Overall SEO Strategy
SEO will continue to be a major goal for marketers in 2012, but marketers will start taking into consideration how their presence on social media channels can affect SEO. Search engines are starting to rely on social signals more when they generate results. So a company that is not generating content on a variety of platforms will be missing out.
* * *
If some people have referred to 2011 as the "year of content marketing," then 2012 will be the "year of specialization within content marketing." As content marketing continues to prove itself as a successful marketing strategy, the methods of implementing it will become more focused. Though content curation—the process of finding, organizing, and sharing online content—is one approach, it is not the only one, and new practices will continue to emerge.
Given the growth of content marketing in 2011, it might be hard to accurately predict where it will be a year from now. However, one thing is clear: Content marketing is not going away any time soon.

Jan 21, 2012

Tiga Cara untuk Meningkatkan SEO Dengan Twitter

"Meskipun Google telah berakhir Pencarian Pembaruan yang berurusan dengan Twitter, mesin pencari masih menggunakan situs media sosial untuk tujuan peringkat," kata Jillian Stira di blog Pemasaran Scholes.

Dan Twitter tetap menjadi bagian penting dari strategi pencarian Anda, ia mencatat: "Twitter telah menarik di depan banyak platform media sosial lainnya, menjadi sumber penting untuk optimasi mesin pencari (SEO)."

Stira menawarkan nasihat khusus untuk membuat akun Twitter Anda mesin SEO. Berikut adalah beberapa takeaways kunci:

Pilih nama Anda dengan mesin pencari dalam pikiran. Saat membuat account, Twitter akan meminta dua nama. Yang pertama adalah nama-nyata Anda atau perusahaan Anda-dan Anda diperbolehkan hingga 20 karakter, itu penting untuk memilih orang-orang besar akan pencarian nama mungkin. Yang kedua adalah username didahului oleh simbol @. Anda terbatas pada 15 karakter di sini, sehingga Anda mungkin harus melakukan beberapa pemangkasan. "Jika nama perusahaan Anda panjang," menyarankan Sitra, "mempertimbangkan menggunakan singkatan, menjaga seluruh kata yang paling relevan."

Buat konten yang relevan dan dicari. Ketika tweeting dalam kapasitas profesional, pengamatan pribadi sesekali baik-baik saja. Tapi aturan umum Anda harus tetap berpegang pada konten profesional. Itu adalah konten pengikut Anda akan ingin berbagi dalam jaringan sosial. "[Saya] t adalah penting bahwa Anda menggunakan kata kunci yang relevan dan # hashtags untuk menjamin visibilitas yang lebih pada hasil pencarian untuk istilah penting bagi bisnis Anda," saran dia.

Sertakan link ke URL Anda. Link twitter tidak memberikan otoritas SEO, Stira catatan, tetapi mereka mengirim pengikut ke website Anda dan pencarian Google meminta untuk tindak lanjut penelitian. Itu adalah di mana kata kunci dalam menciak Anda juga ikut bermain-karena Anda telah memberi pengikut istilah yang mereka harus pencarian.

Point: Anda benar-benar dapat menciak untuk dolar. Ketika dijalankan dengan benar, Anda keberadaan Twitter dapat pak pukulan yang kuat SEO

DuPont Financial Analysis Model

DuPont Financial Analysis Model : A Process For Knowing Where to Spend My Management Time Tomorrow Morning After Breakfast

Kevin Bernhardt, UW-Extension, UW-Platteville, and
UW Center for Dairy Profitability

Our computer technology today provides wonderful opportunities to collect, manipulate, and process data including financial analysis data.  Sure, it gives a manager lots of numbers, but what do they mean in terms of where to spend my creative management time tomorrow morning after breakfast? 

There is no lack of ratios to calculate from financial data, each of which is a valuable piece of information to the manager.  The Farm Financial Standard Council’s sweet 16 ratios (recently expanded) have been a standard for years in helping farm managers evaluate their financials.  However over several years of teaching undergraduate students and Extension clientele I often found it difficult for people to wrap their arms around what the ratios were indicating and ultimately where to spend their valuable management time.  The challenge often led to indifference by the undergraduate students and a lack of seeing any value to go further by Extension clientele. 

The DuPont system for financial analysis is a means to fairly quickly and easily assess where the business strengths and weaknesses potentially lie and thus where management time may optimally be spent.  It is not the only nor the most thorough, but it is a fairly straight-forward and systematic means to drill back into the financial numbers to determine the source or lack thereof for financial performance.

A colleague, Gregg Hadley (UW-River Falls), summed up well the DuPont system in a recent article on E-Extension (The DuPont Analysis: Making Benchmarking Easier and More Meaningful, Updated June 10, 2009,

If we are lucky enough to have the minimum number of financial documents needed to conduct a meaningful financial analysis (both beginning and ending balance sheets, either an actual accrual or accrual adjusted income statement, and a statement of cash flows), we are then inundated with pages and pages of intimidating numbers to sort through.

This gives many managers and advisers a justification not to give their financial records anything more than a passing glance. This is unfortunate. A good financial performance analysis should do more than inform about how a farm performed in the past. More important, it should provide the manager and adviser with insight regarding how to prioritize activities that will enable the farm to improve its financial performance.

The DuPont system has disadvantages as does any financial analysis system.  However, its advantage beyond simplicity of use is that it takes into account the major levers of firm profitability – efficiency, asset use, and debt leverage.

Anatomy of Profits
Before describing the DuPont system, consider the anatomy of profits.  The accounting equation is:

Total Assets = Total Debt + Total Owner Equity

As the accounting equation shows every penny of assets comes from one of two sources – that financed by debt (borrowed capital) and that financed by equity (the owner’s own money).  Assets can also be described by those that are capital assets versus short-term inventory or market assets.  Capital assets are longer-term investments (land, machinery, breeding stock, etc.) that are not sold themselves to make profits, but are put to work to produce marketable inventory that can be sold for profits (feeder cattle, eggs, etc.).  Inventory also includes inputs such as feed, seed, and fertilizer.

Businesses earn profits by mixing their labor and management with inputs and capital assets to produce goods for sale.  The DuPont system recognizes this recipe for profit-making and segregates it into three distinct components or levers:
1.      Earnings (or efficiency),
2.      Turnings (effective use of assets), and
3.      Leverage (using debt to multiply earnings and equity)

In the DuPont system one can drill back into these three levers to determine where profit performance is coming from and potentially determine where management time should be spent for improving profits.  Specifically DuPont measures:
1.      How efficiently inputs are being used to generate profits [Earnings]
2.      How well capital assets are being used to generate gross revenues [Turnings]
3.      How well the business is leveraging its debt capital [Leverage]

Figure 1 shows a graphic of the DuPont system.  It begins on the far right side with Rate of Return on Equity (ROROE).  High ROROE is the prize in the DuPont system.  ROROE is calculated as:
Net Income from Operations – Unpaid Labor & Management
Total Owner Equity
The financial manager can then drill backward to see where ROROE performance either is, or is not, coming from. 

Starting on the upper side ROROE, in-part, comes from how well the business is earning profits from its assets as measured by the Rate of Return on Assets (ROROA).  ROROA is calculated as:
[Net Income from Operations   +   Interest   –   Unpaid Labor and Management
Total Assets
It makes sense that the higher the ROROA the higher the ROROE.  In-turn, the ROROA comes from two components or levers of profitability. 
One is how efficient the manager is in turning inputs into outputs, or in a financial sense, how efficient the manager is in turning the gross revenue of dollars coming into the business into net profits that are kept in the business after all expenses are paid.  This is the “Earnings” lever and is measured by the Operating Profit Margin Ratio (OPMR).  The calculation is:
[Net Income from Operations   +   Interest   –   Unpaid Labor and Management
Gross Revenue
Interest is added back so that the measure you get is one that measures efficiency of operations regardless of the debt structure.   Debt structure effects will come into the system later.  In situations where there is unpaid labor and management it is deducted to recognize the value of the labor and management.  The more efficient you are in turning gross sales into profits that you keep the higher your Rate of Return on Assets and ultimately the higher your Rate of Return on Equity.
The second source of ROROE is how well you are using the assets of the business.  This lever is referred to as “Turnings” meaning how well you are turning assets into production and sales of product.  To use an extreme example, if you had a 300 acre farm (all tillable) that you left sit idle then your performance of turning assets into production and sales of product would go way down.  The “turnings” lever is measured by the Asset Turnover Ratio (ATO).  The calculation is:
Gross Revenue
Total Assets
The better able you are to use the assets you have to produce and sell product the higher the Rate of Return on Assets will be and the higher the Rate of Return on Equity.
The last lever is “Leverage,” which is also known as “Equity Multiplier”.  Before going further with the explanation of leverage, it is worth backing up a step and exploring the accounting equation again
(Total Assets = Total Debt + Total Equity).
Given this equation, which is true for every business, then any profitable return to the use of assets is a profit return to the assets financed by debt and to those financed by equity.  Equity is fairly straight-forward, if you invest $100 of your own money and earn $10 back then your equity has returned 10% (10/100).  For the return to debt it is a bit more complicated because you have to pay someone for the use of the debt – interest.  So, the question becomes whether or not the debt you have is returning a profit larger than the interest you have to pay for using that debt.  If it is then the leftover profit after paying interest is an additional return to your equity.  That is, if I’m paying 8% interest and my profit return on the debt is 10%, then I not only can pay my interest, but I have 2% leftover that I get to keep.  This 2% becomes and increase to my equity.  This is why the debt or leverage component of DuPont is sometimes called an “Equity Multiplier.”
It may seem an odd statement to make for some, but if you want to increase your ROROE then one way to do it is to increase your debt!  The trick is that the debt must be managed in a way that returns a profit greater than the interest rate.  If it is not then the equity multiplier still works, just in the wrong direction!
Ultimately the leverage lever is measured by the Debt to Asset ratio (D:A), which is calculated as:
Total Debt
Total Assets
For ease of the math in the model, the leverage lever can be expressed as:
Total Assets
Total Equity
The greater this ratio then the more the proportion of debt is in the mix of assets.  If the assets financed by debt are earning a return greater than the interest rate, then the higher the ratio the greater the Rate of Return on Equity.

Figure 2 shows the same DuPont model with the ratio measures.

Note, the interest rate adjustment in the ROROA box is the adjustment needed to return the cost of interest before measuring the Rate of Return on Equity.  Recall that interest was taken out when calculating the OPMR.

The DuPont system as illustrated allows you to identify where profit performance is, or is not, coming from in one or more of three areas.  Once identified then the next step is to drill back into the numbers that make up the ratio of concern.

For example, if the OPMR is found to be lower than the manager would like it to be then look at the numerator of the OPMR (net income from operations + interest – unpaid labor & mgt) to determine what might be the problem, particularly expenses.  Compared to your more profitable peers what are your labor, vet, repair, and other input costs? 

If the performance problem appears to be coming from a low ATO then the manager might drill back into the business assets to see how well they are being used.  Are there dead assets in the business (ones not being used to create product for sales), does the business have excess machinery capacity, or are there assets that are under productive (poor weight gain, breeding cycles too long, sickness, death loss, etc.).

If the debt structure is low, that is debt is not leveraging equity as much as peer businesses, then the manager might drill back and question how debt is being used.  Could additional debt be used to improve facilities, machinery, etc. that ultimately pays for itself in higher production and sales or does debt that is not productive need to be paid off (or perhaps the assets sold). 

As with all financial analysis systems the model is only as good as the numbers that go into it, that is, garbage in then garbage out.  Another valuable piece of information to have to evaluate DuPont is benchmarks of profitable peers.  There are general ranges for each of the ratios, but each industry and your size within an industry makes a difference as to what is “good” for the ratios.  Finally whether you rent or own the assets you use in a business also makes a difference in the interpretation of the ratios. 

Appendix A provides a brief example of using the DuPont model.

It is often said that management is part science and part art.  The DuPont system has both elements.  The ratio calculations are science and just a manipulation of numbers.  The art is interpreting the ratios and drilling back into where the ratios indicate there could be challenges and thus information of where to spend your creative management time tomorrow morning after breakfast. 
Appendix A
Brief Example (Adapted from an example from Texas Tech University)

Table 1. DuPont Analysis for Two Farms

Farmer A
Farmer B
1. Operating profit margin ratio (OPMR)
2. Asset turnover ratio (ATO)
3. ROROA (1*2)
4. Interest expense to avg. farm assets
5. Equity multiplier
6. ROROE (3-4) * 5
Farmer A and Farmer B each have a 2 % ROROE.  However, the levers of the DuPont system indicate that the sources of the weakness are different.  Farmer A has a stronger operating profit margin ratio but lower asset turnover compared to Farmer B. Furthermore, Farmer A has a higher leverage ratio (equity multiplier) than Farmer B.
The weak ratios for each farm may be decomposed into components to determine the potential sources of the weakness. To improve asset turnover Farmer A needs to increase production efficiency or price levels or reduce current or noncurrent assets. To improve profit margins, Farmer B needs to increase production efficiency or price levels more than costs or reduce costs more than revenue.
The DuPont analysis is an excellent method to determine the strengths and weaknesses of a farm. A low or declining ROROE is a signal that there may be a weakness. However, using the DuPont analysis can better determine the source of weakness. Asset management, expense control, production efficiency or marketing could be potential sources of weakness within the farm. Expressing the individual components rather than interpreting ROROE itself may identify these weaknesses more readily.